Now covered through most health plans
Breast pumps are covered through all health plans including Medicaid, CHIP, and Tricare. Some plans offer additional breastfeeding support services such as breastfeeding consultations.
Breast pumps can be issued to both mothers and babies enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP. If the mother’s eligibility has expired in Medicaid, the pump can be issued under the baby’s coverage. As soon as you know the mother needs a breast pump, have her call her health plan to get the process started.
What if my patient can't get a pump from her health plan quick enough?
The WIC Program continues to provide pumps to mothers who:
- Are unable to get pumps from their health plans or are uninsured.
- Did not attempt to get a pump from their plan because they were unaware of the benefit.
- Received a pump from their health plan but the pump is not meeting their needs.
WIC mothers who receive pumps from their health plans can also come to WIC to get all the support they need to use the pump successfully. They will learn about how to assemble, operate and clean their pump, how to establish their breastmilk supply, and how to maintain their supply after returning to work or school. WIC helps breastfeeding mothers get off to a great start.

Program Contact
Pump Program Coordinator
WIC[email protected]