We're Here to Help

Let us help you meet your breastfeeding goals

We're Here to Help


Let us help you meet your breastfeeding goals


Breastfeeding isn’t always easy, and your WIC office can help. WIC’s breastfeeding experts help mothers breastfeed successfully with lactation consultants, classes, peer counselors, and a statewide hotline.

Support Centers and Hotlines

Texas Lactation Support Hotline: 855-550-6667

  1. Free help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  2. Breastfeeding experts are on-call to answer your questions about breastfeeding. Get professional advice on pumping, latch and position, medications, and returning to work or school.

WIC Lactation Support Centers
Lactation Support Centers are staffed by certified lactation consultants and peer counselors. Call your local lactation support center for additional information on services provided.

  1. Austin - Mom’s Place
  2. Dallas - Lactation Care Center
  3. Houston - The Lactation Foundation
    713-500-2800, option 1
  4. McAllen - Lactation Care Center RGV
  5. San Antonio - Lactation Support Center

Take a Class

If possible, try to take a breastfeeding class before your baby comes so you know what to expect. Talk to your doctor, hospital or your local WIC clinic if you need help finding a class. Classes usually cover:

  • Different breastfeeding positions
  • How to get a good latch
  • Feeding patterns
  • Baby’s cues and more
If possible, try to take a breastfeeding class before your baby comes so you know what to expect.

We’re Here to Help

Check out our website breastmilkcounts.com for helpful advice, tips, and more resources. You can also talk to your local WIC staff to get one-on-one help from a lactation consultant or peer breastfeeding counselor.

Check out our website breastmilkcounts.com for helpful advice, tips, and more resources.

WIC and Breast Pumps

There are a few ways to get a breast pump. You can get one through your private insurance, through Medicaid or from your WIC clinic. During your pregnancy, contact your health insurance company to find out more about what is available to you. The peer counselor or lactation consultant at your WIC clinic can help you choose the best pump option if your health insurance offers more than one type.

After your baby is born, if you are unable to get a breast pump through private insurance or Medicaid that meets your needs, you may be able to get a pump though WIC. Contact your local clinic to learn more.

WIC offers:

  1. Breastfeeding counseling services
  2. Demonstrations on how to use and clean your pump
  3. Breastfeeding supplies, including breast pumps and replacement parts  
A smiling mother and baby sit in a rocking chair. A breast pump sits on a table in the background.

WIC is Here to Help!

Did you know you can get free breastfeeding help at your local WIC office from certified lactation consultants and trained WIC peer counselors?

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