Now We’re Cooking!
When kids help in the kitchen, they’re more likely to try different foods. Cooking together is also a great way to share traditions and build memories.
Little Helpers
Even small kids can be a big help in the kitchen. Start by letting your child play in the kitchen while you cook or having them help with simple tasks. You can give them some pots and spoons for an instant drum kit!
2-Year-Olds can:
- Help stir
- Play with plastic bowls, containers and spoons
- Smell, taste and touch different foods
3-Year-Olds can:
- Play with dough
- Wash vegetables
- Turn a salad spinner
- Tear lettuce and snap green beans
- Put food on a plate
4-year-olds can:
- Roll out dough (with help)
- Measure dry ingredients
- Cut with a dull plastic knife
- Peel oranges
5-year-olds can:
- Grease pans
- Crack and beat eggs
- Make balls or patties
- Dip food in sauce or breadcrumbs
Other kid-friendly ways to help:
- Take out and put away cooking tools and ingredients
- Wipe off the table or counter
- Put down placemats for the family
- Set and clear the table
- Dry dishes

Kitchen Safety
With sharp knives and hot stoves, the kitchen can be a dangerous place. Teaching kids kitchen safety at an early age is very important.
Chopping and Cutting
- Start with softer foods, such as cheese or dough, that can be cut with a plastic knife or butter knife.
- When you’re teaching kids how to use a knife, tell them to go slowly and be careful. You can place your hands over your child’s hands to help.
Cracking Eggs
- When kids are just learning, have them crack eggs into a separate bowl to make sure no bits of shell get in your recipe.
- Show your child how to tap the egg on the edge of the bowl to crack the shell, then gently pull the shell apart.
- Younger kids can peel things like oranges and bananas by hand if you get the peel started.
- Older kids can use a vegetable peeler for carrots or potatoes. Show them how to hold the veggie at the top and peel downward to protect their fingers.

Fun in the Kitchen with Zobey & Friends
Let’s Cook Together
Join Zobey on a fun adventure to see how his friends help their families in the kitchen. Learn about different ways you can help make tasty meals and clean up. Getting involved in the kitchen is a great way to encourage your child to try new things while growing their independence. Get inspired about ways children of all ages can have a safe and fun time cooking!
Zobey’s Handwashing Song
Washing your hands is important, especially before eating or helping to make food! Check out this fun song where children show Zobey how to wash his hands the right way. Learn how to make animals with your hands to get every part of your hands clean!
Ants on a Log
This classic kid-friendly recipe is just as good today as it was when you were a kid.
You will need:
- Celery sticks (mom, you chop these!)
- Peanut butter
- Raisins
- Have your child spread the peanut butter on the celery sticks to make the log.
- Add the raisins on top as the ants.
- Eat your snack while listening to the Ants on a Log song.
For a change, try Frogs on a Log! Instead of raisins, use green or purple grapes. To prevent choking, make sure the grapes are cut into small enough pieces and the peanut butter is spread thinly.

Kid-Friendly WIC Recipes
Here are some more yummy WIC recipes that you can make with your kids:
Fruit Dip
You might have to help cut up the fruit, but even small kids can mix the yogurt and cinnamon together.
Mango Parfait
If mom dices the mangos, kids can help assemble this delicious breakfast.
Fruit Smoothie
Kids can help choose the fruits, add ingredients to the blender, and watch as it gets mixed together.
French Toast
Kids can help mix the ingredients and dip the bread into the egg mixture before mom does the cooking.
Funny Face Toast
Kids can put the bread in the toaster, then help spread the peanut butter or cream cheese and add the fruit faces.
Fruit Juice Pops
Kids can help wash and cut the strawberries with a plastic knife and add the sticks or straws to the pops.