Tips for making a smooth transition
Most babies can change to a new formula without any problems. However, some babies may need time to adjust to their new formula.
Talk with your WIC nutritionist and use the directions below to help support your baby’s formula change. If you are also breastfeeding your baby, WIC can help you maintain your breastmilk supply while supplementing. Talk to your local WIC office or call the free 24/7 Texas Lactation Support Hotline at 855-550-6667.
Steps you can take when changing your baby’s formula
For the first three days, make your baby’s bottle with half of the current formula and half of the new formula. For example, to make a 4-ounce bottle, you will add one scoop of each formula to 4 ounces of water. On the fourth day, give your baby only the new formula.
Detailed instructions are below. These steps should only be used if both formulas are mixed using 1 scoop of formula to 2 ounces of water.
To prepare a 4-ounce bottle of powdered formula:
Days 1-3
What you will need:
- Current formula can with scoop
- New formula can with scoop
- Sterile bottle, bottle nipple, ring and lid
- 4 ounces of water – If your baby is younger than 2 months of age, was born prematurely or has a weakened immune system, learn how to protect your baby against bacteria that may be in the formula on our How to Mix Infant Formula page.
Follow these steps:
- Place 4 ounces of water into a sterile bottle.
- Place 1 scoop of the current formula in the bottle. Use the scoop provided in the can.
- Place 1 scoop of the new formula in the bottle. Use the scoop provided in the can.
- Place the bottle nipple, ring and lid on the bottle and shake to mix the formula.

Day 4
What you will need:
- New formula can with scoop
- Sterile bottle, bottle nipple, ring and lid
- 4 ounces of water – If your baby is younger than 2 months of age, was born prematurely or has a weakened immune system, learn how to protect your baby against bacteria that may be in the formula on our How to Mix Infant Formula page.
Follow these steps:
- Place 4 ounces of water into a sterile bottle.
- Place 2 scoops of the new formula in your baby’s bottle.
- Place the bottle nipple, ring and lid on the bottle and shake to mix the formula.

Feeding Tips
- Try to feed your baby when they are calm and showing early signs of hunger, like bringing their fists to their mouth, sucking on their hands or smacking their lips.
- If your baby is upset, try to soothe them before offering the bottle.
- If your baby has new or worsening diarrhea, blood in the stool, forceful vomiting, swelling, rash, weight loss or excessive crying, call your doctor right away.
Download Help your Baby Change to a New Formula (English/Español – PDF, 529 KB)
Download Help your Baby Change to a New Formula (English/Vietnamese – PDF, 577 KB)
Download Help your Baby Change to a New Formula (English/Pashtu – PDF, 541 KB)
Download Help your Baby Change to a New Formula (English/Dari – PDF, 561 KB)